Monday, November 26, 2007

August 2007

While Spain was everything we needed, August seemed to throw curv ball after curv ball at us. While we weused are getting quite used to being poor and living on the poverty line, having wisely spent our savings lounging around Spain - gotta say sent some shock waves through the Doyle/Lanz Household!!

I started at a new swedish school - one that was free, but also one that had me reciting the alphabet over and over..... While I readily admit learning Swedish is not my superskill, I didnt need to be feeling as though i was in preschool - most days i would leave fighting back tears of frustration - because I wanted to learn... I just wanted to learn something new!

Nevertheless we decided to behave in a waý that is typical of us both - we went to Copenhagen for the day to pretend we werent poor and almost destitute! It worked..... We shopped... well actually we tried to shop. It was that silly "inbetween the seasons" time of year... While it was technically summer still, I was not going to fooled into believing i would wear summer clothes again this year (I had a denim skirt leggings and summer top on and i thought i would freeze to death!).
We ate, and we even sat in a pub. An actual pub. We bought beer that someone poured from a tap for us. Other than on holidays we had been to a bar once since i had arrived!!!)


The Irish Rover i Köpenhamn

I got my first job in Sweden. And well as most of you know... I lost it again almost the same day. Apparantly my version of swedish is not quite the same as those who call it their native tounge! I missed out on a visit to Aureol in Stockholm as well - initially i thought i would be working LOL!

Oh we took a trip to Lomma pier - and even though it was August - it felt as though it was August in Australia!!
Looma Pier has a 2km jetty you walk along to reach a large glass walled cafe with the obligatory attached sauna so you can do the scandanavic "overheating" in the sauna followed by a dip in the freezing ocean!!!
I believe people do it all times of the year! ewwwwww... NOT FOR ME!


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