Saturday, August 2, 2008

I've been tagged.... AGAIN!

Ok so I've been tagged again (thanks AGAIN to Fo!)....
Everyone knows how these things work...

1. 10 Years ago..... I was Living in Toowoomba, failing uni (and failing to turn up to uni) and desperately wondering what I should do with my existance....

2. 5 things on my to do list... Book flights to London, get a haircut, update blog, buy uni books, work out if I can afford to do whale watching in November with Mads!

3. Snacks i enjoy... Ben and Jerrys, smiths salt and vinegar crisps, soft lollies!

4. If i were a millionaire... I would buy a house in Brisbane and Malmö, travel with my family!

5. Places i've lived... Dalby, Toowoomba, London, Dublin, Cairns, Townsville, Brisbane, Lund.


Mhor said...

Hahahaha so this is what you were doing inbetween my calls??

Laura said...

mmm ben and jerry's.. on sale at tesco for a 1.99pounds.. mmm

Cassandra Doyle said...

Man we pay like 50kr for a tub!
Thankfully we dont live in London... ohhhh fatty boom boom!