Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Maximo, Maximo, Maximo!

This poor little kid has been labeled a drama queen since the day he could reveal his personality.
Australia December 08 204
In fairness he is. He has a wonderfully 'dynamic' personality, he is ridiculously intelligent - he speaks like a 3 year old, he's taught himself to count to 10 (yes himself - from listening to his older brother) . He knows his ABC's, his colours, and he generally doesn't like a single thing about being anything other than a 'big boy'!

He also knows how to top anything anyone does!

For instance, I recently mentioned I had had a hospital visit - which resulted in a fair bit of attention being focused towards me for a few days. It would seem that Max decided to see me my hospital visit and raise me, I don't know, one of the most frightening experiences of his parents lives! Max begin last Thursday having what we now know were 'drop seizures'. His poor mother assumed that he had a middle ear infection (as who would suspect that their perfectly healthy child was suddenly having drop seizures?).

This lead to a suspected 'febrile convulsion' that evening (despite Max not having a temperature). This particular seizure lasted more than 7 mins and left him unconscious for almost an hour afterwards. Long story short - Max was released from hospital 2 hours after waking, despite having no obvious source of infection (a prerequiste for febrile convulsions). Funny enough both the drop seizures and the 'grand mal' seizures reoccured the next day - culminating in approx 30 seizures in 3 days (and a 6day hospital visit!).

While this was as horrible as horrible can be - and something I wish upon no parent. What I can take from it (my blog is MY ego) is that firstly, it made me realise that what is going on in my life is quite insignificant. Secondly, we were forced to face the reality that, while this is horrible and scary and many other emotions in between, we are actually very fortunate. Things could be so much worse. One of the obvious reasons for the onset of seizures is a brain tumor - and while we don't have the confirmation that it is NOT a brain tumor, we all feel in our heart of hearts that Maximo the drama queen is around to stay for alot longer than a few years!

However, we don't know now, and we may never know what causes these seizures, possibly he will have them whenever he is unwell. That's also ok as well - we just have to make sure we all stay well, and don't share our germs with him!

2009. Can only get better from here! Just you wait and see...

Maximo goes RARRRR! 03.12.08

1 comment:

Mhor said...

Love the last photo...