Thursday, March 13, 2008

See I'm kinda a great girlfriend!

Ok so I might have spent more of this year away from my boyfriend than anywhere near him, but I definately feel confident that I am a great girlfriend at the moment. What am I judging myself against? To be honest I am not setting the bar that high, but I think you will all agree that I beat the chinese bride who was married for a grand total of 31days when she set the marital bed alight because her groom drunkedly (and obviously stupidly) got into bed with out cleaning his feet!! That's right kids... he didnt clean his feet - didnt even brush the dirt off them before getting into bed. When the husband woke to find himself alight, he started arguing with his bride (nope didnt think to put the fire out - either of them) she escaped into the living room and he was burnt to death in the bedroom!

So now tell me who thinks I'm a cow when I expect my boyfriend to take the rubbish out and do the dishes the two nights a week he is home (and when i'm home - so really that's been 4 times this year!)

Ok well now while i'm feeling very secure in my role of "great girlfriend" i'll leave you with some photos of the french alps... It was fantastic... we had a view of the highest mountain in europe (Mt Blonc) out the living room window. Approx 4inches of snow fell while I was there, it was perfect. Except of course for me taking my boss' 5year old daughter out when I came off my first ski lift!! Yep, kinda set a precident of me just falling on my face for the rest of the day. (one fall even saw the smashing of Håkans favourite vintage sunglasses whilst still on my face - even whilst wearing a helmet).

I later found a slope that had my name written all over it, I had a few runs (all my very unfit legs could handle) and I felt almost like I could call my self a snowboarder (Vs. I fall whilst riding a snowboard alot!). I almost stayed for another week, and to be honest I wish I had (see once again great girlfriend - I came home!) although I probably would have gotten a little too cocky and ended up breaking my arm again! So all things considered it was probably a good thing.

Today it was the swede's (aka silver's) turn to go away. I embarressingly dont know where he's gone other than to somewhere north of where we live in Sweden, and well all I know is that it has something to do with lighting - And I guess that he can lay safely in bed knowing that he fear not of me lighting him on fire tonight.... and not simply because I dont know where he is! (ok so not such a great girlfriend!)

anywhoo... the photos... unfortunately not to the standard of Fo's!







Mhor said...

great photo's.. I read that story too - how stupid of him to not wash his feet - I mean he is Japanese - he know's better!!

You look all wind burnt in the last photo..

Cassandra Doyle said...

LOL! I was very windburnt.... the neck thing of Håkan's I was actually using over my face so I only had about a 5cm gap that I could see through!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.