Friday, September 26, 2008

Nothing like being kicked in the teeth while your already on the ground!

That's how today feels. Serves me right - seeing as I had the audacity to feel happy yesterday :D
Anywho - enough of the emo whining from me....

Just a quick update so people know I'm alive :D
I LOVE my camera. Occassionaly i take a photo that looks like I actually know what I'm doing (so dont, but hey that's why you buy a big fancy schmancy camera huh!) And maybe when I can afford internet access at home I'll upload some photos (or when the stoopid neighbour unlocks his network again!)

I LOVE studying Communication for Development. It's fun. I dont have a very wide range of adjectives at the moment but rest assure I like it! I even have new friends. I do!

I have a decent social life - nothing quite like desperation to get people inviting you to all sorts of places.

I have a new Yoga instructor - who is a Kiwi - wonderful and best of all giving me half price yoga classes :D Wiiii...

Oh and I went to the Chiropractor - I went to get my jaw adjusted - seeing as most of the time I look like I have lock jaw these days... and well - I will get my jaw fixed one day in the future. For now she concentrating on my coccyx which has shifted to the right (hense the L sided hip pain when I exercise) and the ?10vertebraes which weren't in alignment. Mostly she will be concentrating on my "disgusting" neck! Apparently its not normal to be able to crack your neck simply by tilting you head from side to side. What?? Since when???

So as I dust myself off from todays kick in the teeth (no I'm not sharing...) rest assured I will be hanging out with my new friends, taking lots of photos and wearing new clothes that show off my killer abs from all the Yoga :D


Mhor said...

I plan to go to an osteopath to fix my neck, hips and back... One day..

Focus on the good stuff honey


fona25 said...

oh honey, I'm so sorry. Can't wait to give you a big cuddle.

But yay to all the rest - dslr's rock, huh? (BTW, did you see they are about to bring out the new 5D - and it looks amazing! Typical!). Can't wait to give you lessons - not that I'm always sure I know what I'm doing myself!!!

And as for the neck thing - dude, I could have told you that years ago!

Cassandra Doyle said...

Oh damn a new 5D...
oh well you might be able to justify a new one in 12months when the prices come down???
hugs back to you both!