Saturday, February 9, 2008

Introducing Ms Crappy McCrap Crap.....

Well actually I doubt I need to introduce myself. You all know me - generally I masquerade as Cass the organisation nazi. You know why I am the nazi that I am???? Yep that's right - cause really deep down I am crap. No other word could describe it better than this. I dont have a motivational bone in my body. If i dont do things straight away. I dont do them EVER. Well hardly ever.

I will let you in on a few things I have learnt about myself over the course of the last year.

- I will learn exactly what I need to learn, you know the bare minimum and that's it. Dont believe me? Then how come I can understand Swedish, but am too lazy to practice and become fluent in conversation? Cause I dont need to! I can order coffee, I am aware if someone is talking about me, but I wont be talking back if you know what I mean :P
- Once I stop excercising, good luck getting me to EVER start again :D
- Once I miss just one single week of blogging, I'm over it dude :D
- I will look through the rubbish bin 3 times for my house keys before I will look underneath the bed!
- I have self proclaimed prophecies which I impose upon myself and force me to misplace EVERYTHING. Well almost everything :D It's true. Very very complicated but true!!

So that's the bad stuff of my final blog for 2007 (I know it's Feb 2008 - just goes to prove how crap I have become!) and now for how 2008.......

How will i improve on all the crapness???
I will share my 2008 resolutions with you....

- Take short writing course.
- Start Rock Climbing.
- Re-enroll in masters programme (I know I am not sure how this will improve my crapness other than I will be toooooo busy to not be organised!)
- Be not crap.
- Blog more.
- Travel more and record it and share it with my friends!
- Think up schemes to make me very very very rich so I can enjoy the Australian Summer and the Swedish Spring and Summer!

ok I think that's it you get the gist! I promise to be better and to stop losing everything and not ever rely on a Thai Airways waitlist flight from Bangkok to Brisbane (stay tunned - that will be in the next blog!)

Wish me luck!


Laura said...

yay for more blogging... i've been slack too..

and i'm with you there on the more travelling and keep my friends updated :D


Mhor said...

damn it you make me feel so so so crap - I don't think I have updated my blog in nearly a year hahahaa