Sunday, May 4, 2008

Joy can be found in the simplest of things.....

For me, yesterday, absolute joy was found in being outside wearing a denim skirt, singlet and bare feet. That's right I said OUTSIDE! Something I haven't been able to do in Sweden since, hell, I dont know if I have ever been able to do it! (I have, but it was simply to long ago to remember!)

I can not describe the joy it brought to me. To feel the fresh air and sunshine on my bare skin... Listening to the birds chirping, the hares scampering through the garden (we have hares that live in our garden, but they have been very quiet through the winter months) all the while over dosing on the sweet smell of spring wildflowers. Life felt perfect. I could not have asked for anything else (ok, well, maybe to have had someone there to share it with!)

I actually felt as though I had been picked up and inserted in a tourism commercial for Sweden. It was the most perfect moment of indulgence. A day like that confirms my belief that Sweden is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen.

I also fell asleep for around 40mins lying in the park.
With no sunscreen.
And I dont have sunburn.
Not even a little!
(And yes Mum and Nat, I am aware I should have had sunscreen on regardless.)

After being rugged up for months and months on end, it is nice to not have to fear the harshness the sun, as people must in Australia. It was certainly nice to go to sleep last night and to not be in pain from my sunburn, nor fearing the possibility of a malignant melanoma from having a day in the sun!!!!

Whilst I am busy singing the praises of Sweden (it's about time!) for those that are interested, 39,805 malignant melanomas were registered with the Swedish Cancer Registry between 1961 and 1995. Compared with Australia's 380,000 EVERY YEAR! Even if you take into account Sweden's population of only 9M, the difference is phenomenal! (I would however be interested to learn what the incidence of skin cancer in expat Swedes is, especially of those living in Australia).

I complain bitterly about the weather in Sweden, however, when I look at it from that point of view, I should just shut it!!


Mhor said...

It's funny cause you don't have to actually get burnt to damage your DNA and possibly cause skin cancer. You only need to be in the sun... But I guess you have to have that sun in the first place to damage the DNA.

But I wonder if Australian's didn't live such a "outside" lifestyle if we would still have the same amount of skin cancers. If only that walk to the bus stop in the morning was enough to cause it or if it is the harshness of the sun or what...

A PhD worthy question for another time perhaps (not before my assignment, exam AND workshop tomorrow)

Mhor said...

But I am glad you had a "perfect moment" day!!

Me I just worked ;)

Laura said...

i sat in green park today too. it was about 20 degrees.. hot enough for me!

Cassandra Doyle said...

yep this weather is glorious.
I can tolerate SO MUCH MORE in this weather...
cant wait to sit in the park all weekend - with the Swede!!
We have another weekend together :D