In ten days time I shall be on my way to Australia, full of uncertainty and quite possibly even more anxious than I already am. I guess I will no longer be 'Cas i Sverige', I assume I will just be normal old Cas again. (Although I was told recently, that I wasn't really of domestic quality; I was much more of the 'export' quality.... so who knows).
The begining of goodbye drinks and dinners have begun (to my mortification with my current fringe debacle!) and it feels strange. For so long I was looking forward to moving home to Australia, which was primarily based on my own feelings of inadequacy. I had no goals, dreams or aspirations here, and of course now I have finally found the life that I had craved - it seems it's time to go home. Please don't get me wrong, I am very much looking forward to spending time with my family and friends again, it's just that this feels a little like a cruel twist of fate. And of course this blog allows me to express my true inner emo!
On the plus side there will be daylight! As i am writing this the sun has all but set at 4pm, so the thought of sunshine and heat is fairly exciting right now. I am also looking forward to improving my english skills - to re-include complex structure when speaking; and to use adjectives other than those of awesome, good, nice, great and cool!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
and the countdown... it begins.
When bad hair happens to good people!
I have always had crazy sleeping patterns when I'm dealing with tranisitions in my life. So it came as no suprise to me that as I am preparing to uproot myself again, that sleep is becomming a rare commodity! Monday night I decided to do something productive with my 'awake time' i.e the midnight to 2am time bracket. I decided to redo my hair. Which included cutting my fringe.
I've done this 100 times before - there shouldn't have been a problem. Of course there was. I stupidly cut my fringe at the length I wanted it to sit.... while it was wet! Roll your eyes people - it's just one more ingredient in this #!@*cake I seem to be baking... (Maddie's metaphore not mine!).
I have a 60's party to attend on Saturday night - which Håkan will also attend - so I am desperately searching for a wig to wear - as we all know your hair makes or breaks you - and right now it damn well breaks me!
I will post about Stockholm and Paris before the end of the week!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
All the leaves are brown.....
All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey
I've been for a walk
on a winter's day
I'd be safe and warm
if I was in L.A
California Dreamin'
on such a winter's day......
Technically, it's not yet winter, and the leaves aren't brown - they have all but disappeared.
Cycling is no longer fun at this time of year, and it's dark at 1630hrs!
In 3 weeks and I will be hot hot hot... So why do I feel sad about that?
Perhaps it's because there will be no chance of snow.
No snowboarding in Chamonix. No making snowmen. No snow angles.
There's always a trade off...
And I'm sure when I'm swimming in the salt water, with the harsh Australian sun tingling my skin and eating watermelon with my nephews; falling down slopes with a snowboard attached to my feet wont seem that great :D Will it??
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Well someone likes a "Classic"
Apparently so!
After several emails and an embarressed phone call - I have discovered that apparently someone decided that the "Classic" Nokia was worth keeping.
Now they haven't used my account (which is locked anyway) but the phone is not at the bar. Even after I remembered where I left it!! Soooo.... there you go - apparently there are some people worse off than me in mobile phone land!
For them perhaps the classic was an upgrade???
hahahahaha! Hilarious. I caved and decided to order another SIM.
I will be contactable by the end of the week I would imagine.
For now I'm just looking at iPhones! I had intended on buying myself a new ipod for christmas (and not just because my current ipods inscription sucks!)- but I decided that i might get an iphone, working on the basis that if I actually LOVE my phone, I'll possibly be a little more careful with it!
You know I've been carying around my favourite lipgloss since January 2005 - cause I LOVE IT!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today - I wish I was American.
I really, really do.
Never before have I contemplated that those words would pass my lips.
Not only do I wish that I was an American who could vote; but an American who could vote and who lived in AMERICA! This has to be one of the most exciting periods for Americans this millenia.
Imagine contributing to voting for someone who will potentially be the first black President; Now consider a black president ruling in an era where Paris Hilton took mainstage for at least 2 days during the presidental campaign! (for those who live under a rock see here
In an ideal world, celebrities and politics would never be mentioned in the same sentence - but we dont live in an ideal world do we. Obama is absolutely a celebrity which is actually one of the reasons that I hope to god he is elected today. I do believe that his representation in the The White House will signify change and reignite hope for Americans at this very cruical time. And that is certainly the message that his communications staff are sending out through Facebook!
Whichever way you look at it we live in a narcissistic identity obsessed world; A world where any old person, with any old thing to say, writes a blog (:D); checks their analytics daily to see how many people in which part of the world are reading it; checks their text messages, emails and social networking platforms almost constantly; and 'enquires' every so invasively (via these tools) into other peoples lives.
The majority of the world has been negatively looking at America through the eyes of 'Bush' for some time. America needs a leader who knows how and why people are pissed off. Unfortunately John McCain doesn't seem to know how many homes he owns; so I doubt he undestands what it is like to loose your home in a recession which is vastly contributed to a war that barely anyone agrees to. So Obama - facebook as many people as you want. It's 2008 - you would have my vote if I could give it to you. And if it just so happens that you become the first social networking black president in the world - than DAMN I'll be smiling tomorrow :D
Monday, November 3, 2008
Do you know I really believed I'd grown...
My slightly older and possibly wiser sister claims that I have self fulfilling prophesies which force me to loose everything! A form of self-punishment if you will. eg. If i dont put those "wallet/puffer/smokes/keys" etc in spot X I will loose them. Of couse I dont move them, and I "purposely loose them" just to punish myself!
Unfortunately, I tend to agree with her, so much so that lately I have been telling myself over and over 'I do not loose things'. Really I recite this in my brain up to - well a few times a day. Even the sticky note on the sidebar of my computer says "I don't lose things anymore!". This has been working fine for me, that was until I broke the cardinal rules of drinking!
Generally I have 3 rules that I like to follow when drinking....
1) dont drink on an empty stomach
2) dont emotional drink unless your with good friends (preferably really good friends)
3) dont drink when exhausted.
[maybe I should add 4) NEVER EVER drink if you fall into all three categories!]
Saturday night I drank a bottle of wine on an empty stomach with virtual strangers when I was extremely sleep deprived. WHOOPS!
Long story short - I no longer have a phone.
My friend kindly described my phone as a "Classic Nokia" as I drunkenly tried to convince the bar staff that in fact, no-one had stolen my phone, I just couldn't remember where I left it.
I suggested that if they were to have a good look after the bar had shut they will probably find it. Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase take my number - whoops - her number and let me know if you find it.
This was met with a mixture of looks which I felt described the following emotions:
1. "Why would I look for a phone after I finish work - I have mine right here in my pocket thanks?"
2. "Why is this drunk Swedish girl slurring in English"?
3. "Why is this drunk Swedish girl trying to give me her phone number (which she doesn't have) - this is a gay bar and I'm male!"
Oh the humiliation. To make it slightly worse - the two girls I was with come from Copenhagen and Stockholm respectively - had offered accommodation to Mads and I next week when we are visiting. I'm really a little bit frightened to see if they suddenly withdraw their offers after my stupidity :(
Hold you thumbs they dont!