Sunday, June 22, 2008

I've been tagged!

Ok so Fona double tagged me - and seeing as i'm still too brain dead to write anything worth reading..... here is part 1!

Here are the rules!
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others you like and tell why.
3. Tag 5 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
This is much harder than expected!

Share 5 songs that I am embarrassed to admit to!

1. Ceclilia by Simon and Garfunkle. Can't help it this song ALWAYS makes me smile. It reminds me of sooooo many nights out - and I always picture Nicci completely wasted trying to iron her uniform for work singing "Cecilia... your a big fat tart...."

2. Put another log on the fire by The Outlaws. Childhood song, was possibly my Dad's favourite song??? (this song + every Johnny Cash song - but I couldn't pick just 1 Johnny song). I'm pretty sure that Fo, Nat and Nic are nodding their heads going ohhh yeah - I remember that one!

3. Keep me Hanging On (sung) by Kim Wilde. In fact I was singing this song last night... I got many a strange look from the Swede.... I bought Guns and Roses and Kim Wilde - Greatest Hits - on tape on the same day and listened to them endlessly. I loooooooved both of them!

4. Ice Ice Baby.... by Vanilla Ice. Don't think this one is so much about the song, more the reaction of everyone when this song comes on. My very first concert was Vanilla Ice at Festival Hall in Brisbane. My friends step-mother worked at a radio station in "the big smoke" and got us tickets. Man I felt so grown up to get to go to Brisbane and go to a gig unescorted!!!!! Now everyone loves to remind me... as soon as the song starts all i hear is "hahahahahahaha - quick where's Cas?" LOVE IT!

This is a tie for me... I know - I'm cheating. But to me these songs go hand in hand. If you hear one played you will always hear the other played shortly after. It's true. Whenever either of these songs come on the Swede gets extremely anxious that I know EVERY WORD and am happy to sing EVERY WORD to both songs.... so here you go in the number 5 place of my all time favourite embarressing songs are:
5. Funky Cold Medina by Ton Loc and Bust a move by Young MC.
(and for an extra piece of triva - Young MC wrote Funky Cold Medina for Ton Loc!!)

Now I don't think I have anyone to tag.... so ????


fona25 said...

In the City
Ladies look pretty
guys tell jokes so they can seem witty
tell a funny joke just to get some play
then you try to make a move and she says NO WAY

yeah, I think I probably helped you write those lyrics out dude, cos I know them all too!!!

Mhor said...

See I don't see these songs as songs you should be ashamed to know.. It's the 80's/90's man all songs were pretty much crappy but still great songs...