Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Stenbrottet! The waterhole of Sverige.

After exploring a little of Dalby, with the hot Swedish sun beating down on us, we decided no visit would be complete with out a swim at Stenbrottet. A Swimming hole if you will. It is such a beautiful place! In fact it is a old rock quarie which has filled with water. You can jump in from as high as 10-12m above the water level (the water is probably another 10-12m deep!) I of course was a chicken and didnt jump in. No testosterone running through these veins!

It was a great day. We took a "disposable grill" and grilled some vegetables and haloumi. Ate a little, swam a little, ate a little more and basically enjoyed the sunshine. Who knew summer in Sweden could be so nice. (Of course the water was too cold for me but who cares!!)

Oh did I mention it was 32 degrees on Saturday????

Dalby, Sverige

Dalby, Sverige

Please note - only in Sweden would you find people sunbaking in the paddocks.
Literally the paddocks. Earlier in the day there were cows grazing on the grass around approx 5m from the sunbathers!

Dalby, Sverige


Mhor said...

Wow - looks glorious!!!

fona25 said...

shush up. I'm sick of the rain.

Cassandra Doyle said...

it's ok hon it's coldish drizzly and overcast today. Expected to stay for the weekend.... phew - cause who would want fine weather for a festival!