(Whoops... I forgot to post this earlier)
It really really really does!
First of all - God Jul/Merry Christmas!
Although almost a week late, I hope you believe that the sentiment is no less sincere. I had forgotten how busy life can get in Brisbane - luckily I caught up on sleep while I was living in Sweden. I'm going to need it!!
I had some Swedish friends here the week before Christmas or Jul! Linnea and Fredrik are friends of Nettan's whom I've adopted as my own. It was GREAT to spend time with them, although I probable wasn't the best host for them! Between being back at work at the Mater (which feels like 1 million steps in the wrong direction) the stress of not being able to complete an assignment and the plain weirdness of it being the week that Håkan should have arrived in Australia - I was a little off my game. Nothing major, but I just feel I could have showed people 'my Brisbane' better than I did that week! (Sleep deprivation is a bitch!)
Speaking of my Brisbane I have been slowly reintroduced to the local culinary delights of Brisbane - of course I've been enjoying this with my foodie sidekick Lib. (Hopefully she'll forgive me now I've given her a mention - she felt somewhat neglected after I failed to mention her in my first Australian blog post!) As foodies go we're difficult to please, and to be honest I haven't eaten anything in Brisbane that is worth mention so far (except for Tandoori King - expect more on that later). I'm not sure if this is a case of me having creating a world of exceptional brisbane cafes in my head over the past two years, or if we've just been plain unlucky.
I'll leave you with a couple of photos I've taken since being home. One day I will get Fona to teach me to edit them properly, however as it stands now I only have a lap top and photoshop causes laptops to CRASH regularly....
Monday, December 29, 2008
Time flies when your unorganised :D
Friday, December 5, 2008
Home is where the heart is....
Apparently. I'm not sure if I am convinced it's where my heart is, but it's certainly where the hearts of my loved ones are! I arrived home on Monday, with the gorgeous Sambo literally pushing his little brother out of the way to get to me. Poor little Maximo (who is not quite two) took a little while to come to terms with me not being inside a computer. He certainly knew who I was - he whispered to his Mum 'It's Aunty Cas?' With a very confused and puzzled look as if to question why there would be a real life version of me!
My comming home 'treat' was Cirque De Soleil - I had never been to Cirque De Soleil before, so I wasn't sure what to expect exactly. I had seen one or two of their performances on TV -so I knew to there would be Dance, Theatre, Acrobats, Music - I wasn't prepared for the level of comedy nor the element of suspense! This particular performance is titled 'Dralion' which claims to be a fusion of the ancient Chinese circus tradition and the avant-garde approach of Cirque du Soleil - 'Dralion derives much of its inspiration from Eastern philosophy with its perpetual quest for harmony between humankind and nature'.
It's safe to say that all of the performances certainly met their mark! I could not fault anything - other to say than some of the more tranquil and delicate acts saw me almost slip into a jet-lagged coma - so possibly not the best idea to an evening performance with jet lag! The performances were so well executed that had it not been for a few minor mistakes (possibly life threatening) I imagine I would have forgotten exactly how remarkable and difficult most of the movements were. Needless to say I think CDS meet their goal of "to entertain, uplift and enlighten audiences the world over."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
and the countdown... it begins.
In ten days time I shall be on my way to Australia, full of uncertainty and quite possibly even more anxious than I already am. I guess I will no longer be 'Cas i Sverige', I assume I will just be normal old Cas again. (Although I was told recently, that I wasn't really of domestic quality; I was much more of the 'export' quality.... so who knows).
The begining of goodbye drinks and dinners have begun (to my mortification with my current fringe debacle!) and it feels strange. For so long I was looking forward to moving home to Australia, which was primarily based on my own feelings of inadequacy. I had no goals, dreams or aspirations here, and of course now I have finally found the life that I had craved - it seems it's time to go home. Please don't get me wrong, I am very much looking forward to spending time with my family and friends again, it's just that this feels a little like a cruel twist of fate. And of course this blog allows me to express my true inner emo!
On the plus side there will be daylight! As i am writing this the sun has all but set at 4pm, so the thought of sunshine and heat is fairly exciting right now. I am also looking forward to improving my english skills - to re-include complex structure when speaking; and to use adjectives other than those of awesome, good, nice, great and cool!
When bad hair happens to good people!
I have always had crazy sleeping patterns when I'm dealing with tranisitions in my life. So it came as no suprise to me that as I am preparing to uproot myself again, that sleep is becomming a rare commodity! Monday night I decided to do something productive with my 'awake time' i.e the midnight to 2am time bracket. I decided to redo my hair. Which included cutting my fringe.
I've done this 100 times before - there shouldn't have been a problem. Of course there was. I stupidly cut my fringe at the length I wanted it to sit.... while it was wet! Roll your eyes people - it's just one more ingredient in this #!@*cake I seem to be baking... (Maddie's metaphore not mine!).
I have a 60's party to attend on Saturday night - which Håkan will also attend - so I am desperately searching for a wig to wear - as we all know your hair makes or breaks you - and right now it damn well breaks me!
I will post about Stockholm and Paris before the end of the week!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
All the leaves are brown.....
All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey
I've been for a walk
on a winter's day
I'd be safe and warm
if I was in L.A
California Dreamin'
on such a winter's day......
Technically, it's not yet winter, and the leaves aren't brown - they have all but disappeared.
Cycling is no longer fun at this time of year, and it's dark at 1630hrs!
In 3 weeks and I will be hot hot hot... So why do I feel sad about that?
Perhaps it's because there will be no chance of snow.
No snowboarding in Chamonix. No making snowmen. No snow angles.
There's always a trade off...
And I'm sure when I'm swimming in the salt water, with the harsh Australian sun tingling my skin and eating watermelon with my nephews; falling down slopes with a snowboard attached to my feet wont seem that great :D Will it??
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Well someone likes a "Classic"
Apparently so!
After several emails and an embarressed phone call - I have discovered that apparently someone decided that the "Classic" Nokia was worth keeping.
Now they haven't used my account (which is locked anyway) but the phone is not at the bar. Even after I remembered where I left it!! Soooo.... there you go - apparently there are some people worse off than me in mobile phone land!
For them perhaps the classic was an upgrade???
hahahahaha! Hilarious. I caved and decided to order another SIM.
I will be contactable by the end of the week I would imagine.
For now I'm just looking at iPhones! I had intended on buying myself a new ipod for christmas (and not just because my current ipods inscription sucks!)- but I decided that i might get an iphone, working on the basis that if I actually LOVE my phone, I'll possibly be a little more careful with it!
You know I've been carying around my favourite lipgloss since January 2005 - cause I LOVE IT!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today - I wish I was American.
I really, really do.
Never before have I contemplated that those words would pass my lips.
Not only do I wish that I was an American who could vote; but an American who could vote and who lived in AMERICA! This has to be one of the most exciting periods for Americans this millenia.
Imagine contributing to voting for someone who will potentially be the first black President; Now consider a black president ruling in an era where Paris Hilton took mainstage for at least 2 days during the presidental campaign! (for those who live under a rock see here
In an ideal world, celebrities and politics would never be mentioned in the same sentence - but we dont live in an ideal world do we. Obama is absolutely a celebrity which is actually one of the reasons that I hope to god he is elected today. I do believe that his representation in the The White House will signify change and reignite hope for Americans at this very cruical time. And that is certainly the message that his communications staff are sending out through Facebook!
Whichever way you look at it we live in a narcissistic identity obsessed world; A world where any old person, with any old thing to say, writes a blog (:D); checks their analytics daily to see how many people in which part of the world are reading it; checks their text messages, emails and social networking platforms almost constantly; and 'enquires' every so invasively (via these tools) into other peoples lives.
The majority of the world has been negatively looking at America through the eyes of 'Bush' for some time. America needs a leader who knows how and why people are pissed off. Unfortunately John McCain doesn't seem to know how many homes he owns; so I doubt he undestands what it is like to loose your home in a recession which is vastly contributed to a war that barely anyone agrees to. So Obama - facebook as many people as you want. It's 2008 - you would have my vote if I could give it to you. And if it just so happens that you become the first social networking black president in the world - than DAMN I'll be smiling tomorrow :D
Monday, November 3, 2008
Do you know I really believed I'd grown...
My slightly older and possibly wiser sister claims that I have self fulfilling prophesies which force me to loose everything! A form of self-punishment if you will. eg. If i dont put those "wallet/puffer/smokes/keys" etc in spot X I will loose them. Of couse I dont move them, and I "purposely loose them" just to punish myself!
Unfortunately, I tend to agree with her, so much so that lately I have been telling myself over and over 'I do not loose things'. Really I recite this in my brain up to - well a few times a day. Even the sticky note on the sidebar of my computer says "I don't lose things anymore!". This has been working fine for me, that was until I broke the cardinal rules of drinking!
Generally I have 3 rules that I like to follow when drinking....
1) dont drink on an empty stomach
2) dont emotional drink unless your with good friends (preferably really good friends)
3) dont drink when exhausted.
[maybe I should add 4) NEVER EVER drink if you fall into all three categories!]
Saturday night I drank a bottle of wine on an empty stomach with virtual strangers when I was extremely sleep deprived. WHOOPS!
Long story short - I no longer have a phone.
My friend kindly described my phone as a "Classic Nokia" as I drunkenly tried to convince the bar staff that in fact, no-one had stolen my phone, I just couldn't remember where I left it.
I suggested that if they were to have a good look after the bar had shut they will probably find it. Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase take my number - whoops - her number and let me know if you find it.
This was met with a mixture of looks which I felt described the following emotions:
1. "Why would I look for a phone after I finish work - I have mine right here in my pocket thanks?"
2. "Why is this drunk Swedish girl slurring in English"?
3. "Why is this drunk Swedish girl trying to give me her phone number (which she doesn't have) - this is a gay bar and I'm male!"
Oh the humiliation. To make it slightly worse - the two girls I was with come from Copenhagen and Stockholm respectively - had offered accommodation to Mads and I next week when we are visiting. I'm really a little bit frightened to see if they suddenly withdraw their offers after my stupidity :(
Hold you thumbs they dont!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tim Tams make me smile! Oh yes they do.
I am feeling incredibly spoilt today.
My twin sister has just sent me a box weighing 1.8kg worth of "things" from Australia.
These "things" include BONDS underware and singlets in bright summer colours - which is a great contrast to the grey which currently surrouding me in Skåne!
Mint Kit Kats
Bracelets - again in very fun, funky and bright colours!!
T-Shirts; Stubbie cooler; paintings by two of my favourite artists - Sambo & Maximo Carson.
and finally..... TIM TAMS! For those of you who watch 'How I met your mother' - Please insert the appropriate 'Awesome' here!
Fona also sent me a really cute top - but I'm sorry to say this present trumps anything at the moment!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Fun facts about Sweden!
Obviously everyone in Sweden is obsessed with the sun.
Why wouldn't they be. In winter depending on your location the daylight hours vary between 5 and 0 hours.
Vitamin D is obviously lacking - hense what starts as people feeling "fall sick" can end up as terrible depression by the end of winter. I personally believe that those who live in the middle of Sweden get the best deal - a little bit of daylight and a whole lot of WHITE! (Maybe it's just cause I'm Australian, but when I wake up to a white morning I feel giddy like a little school girl! When I wake up to a grey morning, as we mostly experience in Skåne, I want hide under the doona covers).
Anywhoo... my point is. Do you what foods which contain Vitamin D?
Herring, Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines, Tuna, Egg Yolks (and fortified foods).
No good for people like me, nor vegetarians or vegans.
Guess what Sweden have an abundance of!
Herring, Mackerel, Salmon etc etc.
Other than meatballs, these are their national dishes.
All you have to do is look at a traditional Swedish 'Jul Bord' (Christmas Smorgasbord)to understand that these are the foods that are eaten in Winter. So either nature has a way of providing what we need in our diet, or even the vikings had better knowledge of what foods they should eat in winter....
Hmmmm.... I wonder.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Who is to blame. The scardy cat in me - that's who!
One of the most difficult things for me, personally, is to approach people, rationally, and calmly, when they belittle me, or treat me like I'm incapable of well, just about anything.
Sure, I definately know how to be sarcastic, or rude to them... but to actually stop, look at them and say in a calm voice "Is there a particular reason you are speaking to me like I'm a child or that I am incompetent?"
Yeah I'm not so good at that. That requires confidence, and maturity, something I struggle with on the best of days, let alone when someone is making you feel like crap. Correction: When I am allowing someone to make me feel like crap!
I realised today that a situation I am involved in professionally - has to come to an end. It's a shame because I enjoy being involved with this project, but for some reason I don't know how to assert my competence in this situation. I allow myself to be pushed around emotionally and I literally sit there while someone over explains a meanial task to me. Seriously - today it was about me extracting an article from a magazine. What is the best way to tear it out.
What I wanted to say "rip your own f*#king article out!".
But... I just smiled and said "Ok, thanks!"
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Milestones... AWESOME!
I'm 33 next week.
Yep, little ol' me.
That part I'm ok about, 33 isn't old.
And seeing 40 is the new 30, well really that must make me as young as young can be. Right?
Now, as I said I'm 33 next week.
Here comes the eeekkk part!
Living in Sweden I have managed to burn through all my cash - Rack up a good amount of credit card debt and not contribute to superannuation or likes for the past (almost) 2 years. Well technically I am now contributing in Sweden, but as far as I'm aware, it's not transferable.
Crapola! I need to find some financial security for myself.
I've been in the work force for 16years - double crapola.
I haven't always worked full time, but bloody hell I'm getting close to being half way through my working life and I have nothing to show for it - well days and days worth of great stories of travelling, drunken antics, and good times - but they aren't going to put a roof over my head when I'm 60 are they!
So guess who has some SERIOUS sorting out of her financial life to do.
2009 is going to be a very big year people.
For me at least!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Emo girl in me :D
You know how the slagging goes.....
I just re-read my blog from yesterday (I know a little late now) and I did not mean for it to sound so... well... so freaking emo. In my head there were positive thoughts comming out about how the new things in your life eventually take over and you get there in the end...
I know that's not how it reads :D
But it's just that I'm emotional :D
oh lord... please don't let me be misunderstood :D
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Time... the healer of all wounds....
Is it though?
I'm not convinced that it's time.
I think friends, family, a healthy dose of denial and the ability to forget... that's what heals.
I have been doing a lot of Yoga lately, and unfortunately one of the things I find with Yoga, is that while I feel 1000 times better afterwards, sometimes during Yoga I let go of my "defense" or my "strength" if you like. The mechanism I use to convince myself that life is ok. That I am ok. That where I am headed in life will much better without Hakan....
Everybody has this mechanism, to a lesser or greater extent, it doesn't make me unique. However, when that mechanism is stripped away, the pain and the hurt that can be felt can be as strong and as fresh as day 1.
So this skeptic doesn't believe that time heals all wounds.
I do think that denial, forgetfullness, determination and spending time laughing with people who love us, unconditionally.... That definitively heals all wounds. While it may take time to heal - time without those other factors - heals nothing.
So for the next 6 weeks I am going to continue enjoying Sweden and it's currently grey weather... then I'm going to come home to those people who do love me unconditionally... and then start to heal my wounds!!!
6 weeks... and I'm almost getting sad to leave sweden... but summer here i come :D
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What is one's worth?
While I never thought I was worth my weight in Gold... I got a little bit of a suprise when inquiring about my "market value" on the swedish job market.
Over the past year or so I have been enlighted - considerably - to the politics of gender equality. I've been made to belive that it's not that women are actually paid less for the same work - it's more to do with the fact that we accept the amount offered and then don't or won't negotiate. Seems pretty straight forward, right? So with this knowledge in mind, and a new job (second job) I was trying to work out - how much am I worth?
Now I knew that I had to come up with a figure, my new boss had asked me, and was not letting anything slip re: what she's willing to pay. So while keeping my new found "enlightenment" at the forefront of my mind, I decided to ask a male, rather than female: one who is younger(in the hope of more progressive male), less educated, and in a role that could be considered on the same payscale as mine.
me: "What do you think I should ask for?"
him: *considering*.... Hmmm.... maybe 110kr/hr"
me: "Is that what you earn?"
him:"No - I earn 130kr/hr".
me: "Why do you think I'm worth 20kr/hr less than you? I've more working
experience, I have a better education, I am studying a masters degree in
communication, and considering part of my job will be writing - dont you think
that counts?"
him:"Why did you ask me if you don't want to know what I think?"
me: "Good point - I thought I wanted to know what you think, I guess I just didn't
expect for you to undervalue me...."
So guess what I did. I got in contact with a friend I study with. I told her what I was doing etc - ask her what she thought... She said - ask for 130kr/hr. That way it is a low enough wage to ensure you still get enough hours, yet high enough for you to feel valued!
So much for the belief that females devalue themselves :D
Perhaps it's a male behind the "theory" of gender equality and politics?????
p.s. I UNDERVALUED MYSELF! I got offered more hours because she had expected me to aks for 120-130kr after tax. Damn it - that's really what I need isn't it - to work more hours for less pay!!! Hahahaha - I will be renegotiating in the future!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Some people never learn...
That's right.
not in their long legged life.
I caught a virus on my computer on sunday, it resulted in me having to do a system restore of my computer, which luckily still enabled me to kept the majority of my files, bar recent downloads etc. I knew I needed to back my computer up and then restore the factory settings, but... well... I dont have enough memory anywhere to do this... so basically I didn't.
Guess what happened monday.
I lost my assignment. It took me 2hours to retrieve :(
So my solution = turn on autosave... seeing as my computer is unrealiable.
Guess what happened tuesday.
My computer crashed and all temp files and recent changes were corrupted.
Trust me - i even ran restore programs...
Nothing was bringing this file back to life.
I even followed the advice of "hack college" who assured me that no file is truely lost... everything can be retrieved.
So as you can imagine I wasted a whole lot of time, and then rewrote the assignment anyway.
Guess what - well actually you might have already you guest it.
I still haven't backed my computer up....
But I think I wrote an ok assignment! Damn it's harder than it used to be :D
Friday, October 3, 2008
Nothing to see people!
Sad isn't it.
I'm newly single, living in europe and I have nothing to report.
Damn - how the hell did that happen?
Although I can finally attest that the alleged "Australia Community" living in Malmo is not in fact an urban myth - it is alive and kicking, and I have found a way to infiltrate it! Well so to speak. Tomorrow night I'm going to the Malmo AFL end of season dinner. LOL! A footy banquet - in Sweden...
I have some photos that I will post soon - they were taken at the filming of Me & Nettan's music video for it's time...
When I get a chance...
I'm slack slack slack....
I'm busy doing nothing you see (or nothing exciting perhaps!)
My first assignment is due on Tuesday - as usual I haven't even decided what I will write about. Damn.... wish me luck!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Nothing like being kicked in the teeth while your already on the ground!
That's how today feels. Serves me right - seeing as I had the audacity to feel happy yesterday :D
Anywho - enough of the emo whining from me....
Just a quick update so people know I'm alive :D
I LOVE my camera. Occassionaly i take a photo that looks like I actually know what I'm doing (so dont, but hey that's why you buy a big fancy schmancy camera huh!) And maybe when I can afford internet access at home I'll upload some photos (or when the stoopid neighbour unlocks his network again!)
I LOVE studying Communication for Development. It's fun. I dont have a very wide range of adjectives at the moment but rest assure I like it! I even have new friends. I do!
I have a decent social life - nothing quite like desperation to get people inviting you to all sorts of places.
I have a new Yoga instructor - who is a Kiwi - wonderful and best of all giving me half price yoga classes :D Wiiii...
Oh and I went to the Chiropractor - I went to get my jaw adjusted - seeing as most of the time I look like I have lock jaw these days... and well - I will get my jaw fixed one day in the future. For now she concentrating on my coccyx which has shifted to the right (hense the L sided hip pain when I exercise) and the ?10vertebraes which weren't in alignment. Mostly she will be concentrating on my "disgusting" neck! Apparently its not normal to be able to crack your neck simply by tilting you head from side to side. What?? Since when???
So as I dust myself off from todays kick in the teeth (no I'm not sharing...) rest assured I will be hanging out with my new friends, taking lots of photos and wearing new clothes that show off my killer abs from all the Yoga :D
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Only By The Night...
The new (highly anticipated) KOL album was leaked onto the internet on Saturday.
It's possible I have heard it, but I would never "steal" an album... So it's not like I have it on my computer or anything like that.
First impressions:
It's all about the melodies.
It's very polished.
It's new.
There's no swamp rock.
I'm not a big fan of Revelry nor 17.
I know I'm biased when it comes to this band, but trust me I've have loved bands before and chucked them for one bad album or one bad performance (can anyone say whingie whiny Adams??).
Mostly I appreciate the change. It suitably matches the changes happening in my life. It's not the sound I would choose to hear KOL play, but hey, the life I'm about to start living isn't the life I would have chosen either! In 18months when their next album comes out full of dirty guitars and that raw swamp rock sound (fingers crossed), I'll be ready to dance again... Until then I'm happy with the new sound.
p.s. Other than the teasers we had already heard (Sex on Fire, Crawl, Use Somebody) - my other standout track is Notion(and not just because the first 3 seconds sounds like Bloc Party's Like Eating Glass) and Somebody.
p.s.s. Yes, it's official. I'm a believer!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Growing Impatient....
Positivity schomisivity I say...
Where the hell is my camera??
For those not in the known I'm awaiting the delivery of a DSLR Canon 30D.
So how exactly is a girl supposed to distract herself and pretend she's happy happy happy when she's stressed that the new tennant of her old apartment has stolen her camera???????????
I'm sure it will be ok - it was only supposed to arrive today. BUT I WANT IT :D
(not that I have a lens for it or anything...)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Change... it's a blowing in the wind!.
I haven't spent much time here lately, perhaps to my detriment... or perhaps that's just the way had to be. I have written many posts on how much my life has changed in the last 18months, and well... basically the only way to descibe what has hapened is to say that the Cas you all knew and loved got swallowed up in those changes. A new language and culture, ment that everything about me changed.
Simply put, things like not knowing how to be funny and how to make people laugh, or how to sound intelligent (a push in english I know!), or how to sound like I actually know what the hell I'm doing in this world, affected me profoundly. Even when I was conversing in English, my meaning was often lost. A new language ment that I could no longer be a nurse, I couldn't go to work and know that I was doing something I was good at, nor that I was even helping people. My friendships were left behind and I didn't know how to make new ones. The list of the negatives I was dwelling on are endless. Over the last three months or so, I completely disapeared. Gone was the flawed but happy, fun loving, sarcastic, party girl!
However, change, it certainly is a happenin'!
Two weeks ago I was forced to stand alone, and on my own two feet. It hurt like a pain I've never felt before and I felt more lost than ever. Two weeks, is however, a long time when it comes to devistation. Somewhere in that time, my survival instincts have kicked in and I've managed to achieve more for myself in the last two weeks, than I had in the previous 18 months. (well me, with support from Savill and Nettan).
I've found an apartment.
I've discoverd a fantastic friend had been standing right in front of me and I just couldn't see her.
I've started my masters degree.
I'm making plans for myself and I'm not looking back.
So while it's a scary world, life it must go on.
I intend on staying in Sweden until the end of this year, and you never know - I might even come back after that. Not to continue the life I thought I would have with Håkan, but to live the life I should have been living from the start. I suspect that emotionally, Håkan left me a while ago, it just took him a little longer to do it physcially. He's angry and disapointed with who I became, and I don't blame him. I'm angry and disapointed with who I became. I'm starting to remember who I really am, and how strong I can be - if I just choose to be. I will find my way on my own and I will have fond memories of this country, ones I would never have had with him.
We can go over everything when I get home to Australia, but until then, expect posts from me about the new found pleasures of living in Sweden.
Missing you all to the moon and back xxxxxxx
Monday, September 1, 2008
That's what I'm talking about...
There is nothing quite like family... Yep a toilet break is the end of the world when it's your siblings
I am so excited for this album. It comes out of the day after my first 3day seminar for my new masters course. Oh did I mention that I started it today... yep...
and probably new place to live... I'll try to keep you updated as I go..
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I've been tagged.... AGAIN!
Ok so I've been tagged again (thanks AGAIN to Fo!)....
Everyone knows how these things work...
1. 10 Years ago..... I was Living in Toowoomba, failing uni (and failing to turn up to uni) and desperately wondering what I should do with my existance....
2. 5 things on my to do list... Book flights to London, get a haircut, update blog, buy uni books, work out if I can afford to do whale watching in November with Mads!
3. Snacks i enjoy... Ben and Jerrys, smiths salt and vinegar crisps, soft lollies!
4. If i were a millionaire... I would buy a house in Brisbane and Malmö, travel with my family!
5. Places i've lived... Dalby, Toowoomba, London, Dublin, Cairns, Townsville, Brisbane, Lund.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Bit excited guys!
Only 2 months until the new KOL album comes out...
There has been great discussion which direction the band will take... anticipation over whether the band will head back to their "swamp rock" sound.
I didnt think they would - and this little teaser confirms it. But I'm liking the sound of it anyway!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Communication is the key!
Recently I may have (dramatically) mentioned how devastated I was that my submission to study a Graduate Diploma in Communications was being considered as a late entry. As a result I have spent the last few months pretending as though I didn't apply - to avoid any further disapointment..... Which of course means I got offer a spot!!! (I haven't prepared myself at all for the amount of work that is going to be required!)
Despite feeling as though someone made a mistake as:
a) My application was late.
b) I'm not sure I fulfill the criteria - Can a B. Nursing Science really be considered a relevant undergraduate degree when planning to do a masters in Communication?? (Remembering I have never worked in Communications)
which of course leaves me with c) if I thought I was enrolling in a Grad Dip - and I infact enrolling myself in a Masters Programme - am I really switched on enough to be involved in this course??? (there are plenty of hopefulls dying for me to drop my place so they can snap it up!!!!)
Anywhoo for those who are interested Communications for Development
Oh and did I mention that University is free in Sweden for everyone - not just residents of Sweden! The cost of my first year at University in Sweden is 160kr for Student Union Fees (approx. $25AUD) and books totaling 1216kr (approx $200AUD).
Finally something that is affordable in Sweden!!!! Next University intake is March for those who want to come join me :D
Friday, July 4, 2008
A little quiet on the home front....
I know I have been....
Lots happening (I know that's no excuse)...
Today I found out that my good friend Lib is abandoning us. While technically not her fault - simply a matter of change in visa application legislation, all the same she will be missed (especially at Påsk). Being the needy expat friend that I am - I hope she will continue to entertain us with stories of her repatriation to Australia (I so wish I'd kept a blog last time I was adjusting to life as an Australian!) and continue to hunt down the best eating spots where ever she goes....
So in keeping with our very strong mutual love of food - I will recommend one more place for Lib to dine at en The UK (if she has a chance on her brief visit!).
Bill's Produce Store
The concept of this cafe/produce store is quite unique for England. Basically we are talking about an organic produce store which home delivers (yes in this day and age) is set out like a very old school convenience store (high wooden shelves - small counter at the front, with actual customer service!) and a very exceptional cafe at the back. The food is phenomenal. The prices are mid range £10-12 for a large organic freshly cooked meal. With my hangover I chose poorly - but trust me the food is exceptionally good by anyones standards!
Bill's also provide picnic packs - which we intend on taking advantage of when we return to Brighton (just a 45m train ride from central London) with your choice of tapas/meze style foods and salads with deserts also.
Anyway I am definately no restuarant reviewer so I suggest if you get the opportunity to eat there DO IT! p.s. The Bill's we went to (there are two) was set in "the lanes" in brighton - which are literally loads of small lanes full of market type wares and smaller stores with lots of amazing little finds!!!
you will love - trust me!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Ahhh.... the smallest things!
Today I discovered that in the eyes of a 6, 9 and 11yr old. I am cool!
Want to know why?
I live "Overseas" (check!)
I speak another language (mostly-check!).
I have been to lots of cool places (check, actually I'll double check that one!)
My boyfriend is cool and plays guitar...
And do you know what, as much as I felt cool and hip and like I should be happy with my life (YAY finally some recognition)
I realise.... If my boyfriend didn't play guitar, look like a rock-star and happen to be excellent at playing blocks with my nephews.... I don't think they would care about the other things.
Ahhh but who cares...
I still got appointed to the position of "Coolest Aunt in the world".
No one said I couldn't sleep my way to the top :D
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Back in Sweden.
W. O. W.
That pretty much sums it at the moment.
I have just had the most amazing 2 weeks.
I went to Isle of Wight and Brighton - which I'm dying to write about - but I'm so scared that those memories will get lost before I have a chance to get them down properly... (after I write for Lonely Planet)
I just attended an amazing conference.
Quite possibly life changing.
I had the pleasure of spending time with some amazing women over the last few days. One of whom not only has refocused my lagging enthuasiasm for a career in the field of humanity... but who I am going to make all my closest friend JEALOUS AS HELL over the time I spent with her. (Clydey you are going to love this story - it's with regards to your neck of the woods!!!!)
Oh and did I mention that I dinned in King James 6th of Scotland/King James 1st of Englands private dining room - and attended a drinks reception in the very room Mary Queen of Scots gave birth to him.... follow by a private tour of the room holding "The Crown, The Sword and The Stone".... Yes THAT Sword and THAT Stone!!!
ahhhhh..... where to start?????????????
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I've been tagged!
Ok so Fona double tagged me - and seeing as i'm still too brain dead to write anything worth reading..... here is part 1!
Here are the rules!
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others you like and tell why.
3. Tag 5 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
This is much harder than expected!
Share 5 songs that I am embarrassed to admit to!
1. Ceclilia by Simon and Garfunkle. Can't help it this song ALWAYS makes me smile. It reminds me of sooooo many nights out - and I always picture Nicci completely wasted trying to iron her uniform for work singing "Cecilia... your a big fat tart...."
2. Put another log on the fire by The Outlaws. Childhood song, was possibly my Dad's favourite song??? (this song + every Johnny Cash song - but I couldn't pick just 1 Johnny song). I'm pretty sure that Fo, Nat and Nic are nodding their heads going ohhh yeah - I remember that one!
3. Keep me Hanging On (sung) by Kim Wilde. In fact I was singing this song last night... I got many a strange look from the Swede.... I bought Guns and Roses and Kim Wilde - Greatest Hits - on tape on the same day and listened to them endlessly. I loooooooved both of them!
4. Ice Ice Baby.... by Vanilla Ice. Don't think this one is so much about the song, more the reaction of everyone when this song comes on. My very first concert was Vanilla Ice at Festival Hall in Brisbane. My friends step-mother worked at a radio station in "the big smoke" and got us tickets. Man I felt so grown up to get to go to Brisbane and go to a gig unescorted!!!!! Now everyone loves to remind me... as soon as the song starts all i hear is "hahahahahahaha - quick where's Cas?" LOVE IT!
This is a tie for me... I know - I'm cheating. But to me these songs go hand in hand. If you hear one played you will always hear the other played shortly after. It's true. Whenever either of these songs come on the Swede gets extremely anxious that I know EVERY WORD and am happy to sing EVERY WORD to both songs.... so here you go in the number 5 place of my all time favourite embarressing songs are:
5. Funky Cold Medina by Ton Loc and Bust a move by Young MC.
(and for an extra piece of triva - Young MC wrote Funky Cold Medina for Ton Loc!!)
Now I don't think I have anyone to tag.... so ????
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Please Vote For Maddie!!!
You will remember a while back that my friend Maddie was writing some excellent gig reviews for V-Fest. She wrote by far the best reviews and had the most amounts of comments etc... However NOW WE HAVE TO VOTE! (The person who is winning wrote 2 very ordinary reviews - but obviously has the most amount of friends!!)
Please do the following:
The good people at virgin finally got their shit together, and you are now able to vote on my blogs, and me generally. Here's what you do:
1. Go to http://music.virgin.com/author/Mads/
2. On the top right hand side, where it says 'Do I deserve to win the Global Vpass' - click 'Vote for me'
3. Scroll down the page - at the end of each review, click on the little button that says 'Vote'.
4. Follow steps 1 to 3 once or twice a day, or whenever you are bored. (It might not let you vote again within a couple of hours, but keep trying!)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Counting down the sleeps....
2 sleeps until I see N.E.R.D. and Kaiser Chiefs.
3 sleeps until I see Ian Brown, The Zutons and The Sex Pistols.
4 Sleeps until I see The Music, New Young Pony Club and The Police...
5 sleeps until I fear an impending death and suffer from the D.T.'s
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Stenbrottet! The waterhole of Sverige.
After exploring a little of Dalby, with the hot Swedish sun beating down on us, we decided no visit would be complete with out a swim at Stenbrottet. A Swimming hole if you will. It is such a beautiful place! In fact it is a old rock quarie which has filled with water. You can jump in from as high as 10-12m above the water level (the water is probably another 10-12m deep!) I of course was a chicken and didnt jump in. No testosterone running through these veins!
It was a great day. We took a "disposable grill" and grilled some vegetables and haloumi. Ate a little, swam a little, ate a little more and basically enjoyed the sunshine. Who knew summer in Sweden could be so nice. (Of course the water was too cold for me but who cares!!)
Oh did I mention it was 32 degrees on Saturday????
Please note - only in Sweden would you find people sunbaking in the paddocks.
Literally the paddocks. Earlier in the day there were cows grazing on the grass around approx 5m from the sunbathers!
Dalby, Sverige!
While technically I had visited Dalby, Sverige in July 2007 - I visited during a hideous period of my life that we tend to refer to as "that first summer". It was a time when I thought I would return home to Australia as unemployment, endless rain and homesickness were taking their toll on me.... lets just say I wasn't appreciative of anything in Sweden let alone a rainy day in Dalby!
Soo.. (Thanks to Wikipedia)
Dalby is a village in Lund Municipality, Skåne County, Sweden, about 10 km east-south-east of Lund, and about 20 km east-north-east of Malmö. Population 5000+.
It has the oldest stone church in Scandinavia (Heligkorskyrka or the Holy Cross Church).
Dalby (as was all of Skåne) was originally part of Denmark, until 1658 when Sweden wrestled it from the Danes. (The population of Skåne was not receptive to Swedish rule, a fact that helped the Danes win the Scanian War [1675–79] against the Swedes. Victory, however, did not result in a return of the province; France vetoed the move - Therefore Skåne remains part of Sweden!)
An article appearing in The Dalby Herald (AUST) on Nov 27, 1931 claims that it is most likely that Dalby, Qld got its name from Dalby, Isle of Man (and not in fact Dalby, Sverige as I had suspected!). At the time Dalby, Qld recieved it's name there was a high proportion of "Manx" (Manx Gaelic, is a Goidelic language spoken on the Isle of Man) residing around the Myall Creek area.
The name Dalby is derived from two Norse words - Dal and By (meaning Dale Town).
Dalby, Isle of Man was was christened so by Norse Conquerors (Vikings). So while there appears to be no direct links between Dalby, Qld and Dalby, Sverige, it is safe to assume The Vikings of Danmark and Sweden indeed had an input with the naming of Dalby, Danmark/Sverige and Dalby, Isle of Man - which led to the naming of Dalby, Queensland, Australia!
Phew - that's a whole lot of Dalby!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Tosselilla - Sweden's Summer Land!!
Having grown up in Australia, and more accurately Queensland - the home to some of the best adventure parks in the world - being told that we would be headed to an adventure park on Sweden's National Day was a very exciting prospect. I did however have to quickly overcome my disapointment when I discovered this was the Willow Springs style adventure park (for those who knew S-W Qld in the 80's) rather than the Dreamworld,Seaworld or Wet n Wild.
I did however have the pleasure of experiencing my first traffic jam in Sweden! Tosselilla has no public transport to nor from, and with one of the major banks in Sweden offering it's customers free tickets to celebrate the national day, our car became motionless some 15km before the park. Approx 40mins later we were happily parked and eager to relase our inner child!
We were invited along by Johannes, his parents and of course Nettan. Johannes neice and nephew came as well - and can i just say they were the most well behaved children who didnt seem to mind a bit that the "big kids" were just a little selfish with regards to what was next on the agendar!
Some pictures of the "big kids" enjoying their day...
oh and the very best part! Choklad Banan... do you know that Sweden (read: Håkan) has hidden this little treat from me until now. It is literally a banana - cut a split down one side (not all the way through) - shove some chocolate in the slit and throw it on the bbq!
I like!
and as you can see - so did Isabel!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Watch this space....
I am writing another blog for Lonely Planet Myspace. I intend to write about The Isle of Wight Festival. It's a while since I wrote about a gig (like 8years?????) so this might be a little more challenging that I thought!
Do you think that this means I need to behave and actually document what is going on around me - or simply write about how my "whole" festival experience... hmmmm...
I mean The Sex Pistols are headling.... I am sure that Johnny would never want a sober writer in the crowd??? Can you imagine it - sobriety and the sex pistols....
Monday, June 2, 2008
What a difference 9 weeks can make!!
9 weeks ago (before a shopping trip to Copenhagen) lib took this photo. click here
Today - same thermomoter, same balcony. (see I made sure you could see in the apartment so noone would accuse me of being in Spain!)
Sometimes life is wonderful.
p.s. The temperature wasnt strictly 40+ degrees - the sunshines directly onto the balcony which is semi enclosed and heats up in the early evening (photo taken at 7pm).
I imagine it was about 30degrees today. So so so nice!
My Swedish Gift To You!
or Chocolate Sticky Cake... It can be eaten one of two ways.... As a pudding, hot, served with ice-cream OR as a cake I find best served with a little whipped cream and raspberries. It gives you all the joy of mudcake yet, is ten times easier to make! This is a rich, gooey cake!! (Similar in consitency to a Brownie!)
A little tip on Sweden - for those who may visit one day. You generally can not guarantee that your food will be up to scratch when dining out in Sweden - YOU CAN however guarantee your cakes, slices, ice-cream, basically anything desert like - will be fantastic!!!! Unfortunately it's a fact!! One that has seen me turn into a sweets lover :D
So here is the very basic reciepe for you!
150g Butter
300g Castor sugar (1 1/3 cups)
100g Cocoa (4 tabelspoons)
2tbsp Vanilla sugar (or few drops vanilla essence)
2 Eggs
150g Plain Flour (1/2 cup)
Pre-heat oven 180degrees
Whisk together the eggs and sugar. Gradually mix in the sifted dry ingredients.
Stir well.
Add melted butter and stir well.
Place mixture into well greased baking dish (8-9inch springform tin or use baking paper as is very sticky!!)
Cook for 20mins.
When the cake comes out of the oven, it will still be runny in the middle. If you are eating as a cake - just leave it to cool. Dust with icing sugar when cooled!
If eating as pudding - add some ice-cream and enjoy... All that sugar will go a bit fudge like when the cold ice cream hits it!!
For non cooks. Go to Ikea and get the pre-made frozen version :D
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Australian-Swedish??? Is there such a thing?
Over the last few weeks I have been asking myself, what should I write about today? What thrilling tales of adventure can I share.... hmmmmm...
*Evil Cas: the sun is shining don't worry about your blog VS Good Cas: Don't be so lazy go write something hillllariously funny with lots of mental notes!*
So I set myself a tast - I had to go out and actually observe daily occurances. Ones which just over a year ago would have seemed unusual, although now go relatively unnoticed! I had to say, I was a little intrigued to find out how much I had assimilated into the Swedish culture! Was I now an Australian Swede? Or a Australian living in Sweden?
It didnt take long to find some startling differences! After removing my bike from the communial rack infront of our apartment (No. 1) and cycling along the wide tree ladened bicycle path (think width of a car lane - No. 2) to the train station, I got off my bike, and stopped, motionless, staring. There must be 1000 or so bikes on this side of the train station. Then I thought about the other side of the station - the entrance side. Where there is possibly 20 times this many bikes.
Train travel. That's something I don't tend to notice anymore.
Train travel is obviously not exclusive to Sweden, people travel by train everywhere, hell even in Queensland people travel by train! However, the proportion of people who untilise train travel in Sweden, is generally only seen in very large metropolitan areas where travelling by car is almost impossible. Obviously when I lived in London I travel by train and bus, and thought nothing of it. I lived for 3years without a car when I returned from London (But my friends and family assisted in this time). It most certainly can be done. But how often is it?
This morning, the good people at Skanetraffiken were offering me a choice of 4 trains within the next 35mins, which would all take me the 20km to Malmö - a 12min journey. Now I remember catching trains in Brisbane. 2 times per hour from my suburb (which was inner city - 2km from the CBD!) I had to change in the city and it took approx 40mins to travel the 6km to work! The bus was no quicker!
While I internally praised Sweden, and it's people for how responsible they are with regards to transport, and caring for their environment, I wondered how Australia could change with regards to public transport, and more importantly reducing oil consumption? I don't even know where you should begin? Obviously improving the transport systems would be a great start!
If politicans would dramatically change their attitudes and see that there is money to made in renewable energy and not just coal, oil and gas production (with less environmental and health concerns) that would help! Sweden is fortunate that their politicians are extremely focused on creating a healthy "green" environment - so it is much easier for people to follow suit.
But how do you change peoples attitudes if you dont have strong leaders setting the example, ensuring everyone has the ability to live a "greener" life? Trust me I am not guilt free, I often drove to the shop for milk in Brisbane (I blamed it on lack of time - but really I drove because I could).
While I think it is very safe to say I will always be an Australian living in Sweden! One who will not want to take her dancing shoes off when she arrives at a house party (because damn it my shoes are often the highlight of the outfit!). One who will never understand the delights of pickeled herring, nor sil, nor smoked eel. One who will always love to sit outside barefooted, and practice yoga and pilates barefooted (No grippy socks for me!)... I am however, happy to adopt the Swedish practices I enjoy and agree with!
Reducing my carbon footprint is definately one of those practices I intend to continue with no matter where I live! (If at the very least, only to make up for my long haul flying - although I do offset my carbon emissions!)
For those who are interested some more info on train travel and "energy" in Sweden!
* SX trains in Sweden hold up to 1600 people, run 4X/hr between Lund and Malmo in each direction (and on to Copenhagen) from 6am to midnight (1X/hr 24h - 6h) and are generally at least 80%full (often overfull).
* Pågatåg is the regional train company. They run 3-4 X/hr in each direction between Malmö and Helsingborg and carry 500-800 people (approx 40min trip).
(so thats 5 - 8 trains run/hr in each direction carrying up to 10,000+ people!)
* SX trains, Pågtågets and busses are all run on "green energy" i.e. non coal, oil nor gas!
* On top of the already running trains an underground train system is being built which will double the amount of trains running between Lund and Copenhagen.
* For the record, Lund has a population of 100,000, Malmö 300,000.
* Sweden has not increased it's oil consumption in the past 15years - despite the majority of the western world doubling its consumption in the same time period!
* Sweden aims to be world leaders in energy conservation and "END our dependence on oil by the year 2020 and tangibly reduce our use of oil products"* (they aim to be oil and gas free by 2050!)
* Sweden uses three types of power. Hydro, Fosil fuel and nuclear energy (They have relied on Nuclear power since the 60's). Note: They do not rely on gas nor coal! (well other than charcoal BBQ's!)
* Sweden made the decision to phase out nuclear power in 1980, when anti-nuclear protests were at its peak - however, the threat of Global Warming has slowed the dismantlement, as some 80% of Swedes say they want to keep nuclear power as "they fear they will have to import energy from carbon dioxide-emitting coal and gas power plants elsewhere in Europe, as a result of energy shortages". 2 reactors are no longer in use (10 still are)
* An 8BN SEK ($1.3B AUD) wind farm was recently built, which is one the largest wind farms in the world - however this farm only produces half the energy of the Barseback 2 nuclear reactor which was recently closed.
* Families - not just individuals cycle. Remember the picture of Brad Pit cylcing with their clan in New Orleans?? Well just like that, although perhaps with a little less sex appeal?? One shouldnt be suprised to see men and women in business suits cycling to work! Or even dropping their children at daycare on the way to work.
* Fuel costs 13sek ($2.26AUD, $2.16USD, £1.09) per litre. I have never heard anyone complain. People understand that they shouldnt drive needlessly.
* There is a 7+ month waiting list for a hybrid car. They are in popular demand. I imagine most people would be embarressed to purchase a new car which wasnt a hybrid.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Doing a dance, doing a dance... doing a Christmas dance!
Well seeing as that was the "it" song while I was home in January (Thanks Sambo) I felt it only fitting to use that as the title as.....
We have....
Booked Håkan's flight to Austraia! We will be home for christmas and new year!
H will be departing London on 20th December and we both will be staying until 18th January (unless there is a super cool BDO line up in which case the 19th!). So I am sure that anyone up for some celebrating (read drinking) on 22nd December - let us know!!! At the moment my flight is booked for 29th November - although I will advise if that date will change at a later date. YAY!!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Wishing I was there....
As always with living on the opposite side of the planet to where you call home, occassions will come and go that you wish you were able to celebrate/attend, or to simply be there "physically" to support others through their milestones. This week was no exception!
It started with Nat getting her tattoo. While this might not seem like a big deal to most, this is a piece art which Nat has chosen to display on her, for the rest of her life (Yes I know that is what a tattoo is). Anywhoo this piece of art is important enough to her that she will keep it with her forever, therefore it is important to me. I would have loved to have been there to hold her hand - while she was well looked after - I am sure she wouldn't have minded having another hand holder.
art work by Auroel
Tomorrow is the day I most wish I was home. It's a very exciting day in my world. Firstly, Kerry is celebrating her 30th Birthday, AND it is The first "official" day of business for CarsonHall Photography. Fo and Bec Hall have gone into the Wedding photography business (as well as keeping their own family photography buisnesses) and I think despite their nerves, they are going to amaze even themselves away with the magic they will create with their cameras!
Kerry i would love to be there to celebrate, and I'm so glad Jess has organised everything for you! Fona, I wish I could hold your hand tonight and remind you how wonderful you are as a photographer, and to remind you that your only limitations are your nerves!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Just because I speak a language, doesnt mean I understand it!
It the past several weeks, life in Sweden has felt somewhat easier. One of the biggest changes I have noticed, and which has contributed to me enjoying life more, is that I am more daring. I dare to go to pilates in swedish, I dare to speak swedish (when I have to) even though I know that between my accent and my poor vocabularly, no one understands me... Generally I dare not to care anymore! This has been a very liberating experience in itself - to no longer care how Sweden treats or views me! Unfortunately, (and for those who know me well, they will surely attest to this character flaw of mine) once I get on a roll, I tend to get, well a little cocky, a little over zealous if you will.
As I mentioned, I have been attending a pilates class for the last few months, which is taught in Swedish, and I have no problems following the class, as I have done pilates for years, so I generally know where the class is going, or it will only take me a few seconds to work out what move the instructor means (because often I have no idea what she is saying!). So I decided that it was time to bump it up a little. Try something new - it was time to try the abs class (notice I keep taking the classes with english names, somehow I think this will help!). Luckily this class was just like "pilates on speed". I again had NO PROBLEMS following. I already knew all the moves, it was just 10 times faster with really cheesy top 40 dance tracks playing!
So the next day I dared to try something else. I decided that POWER/ABS 75 looked like a good place to start. My zeal and enthiasm lead me to believe that a) I knew what the class was. and b) I could handle it.
You know whats comming dont you.
I thought I would never survive. I did not walk into a Power Yoga and Abs class. I walked into a 75minute boot camp style Power - as in POWER building class. Let me just tell you after the first 15mins of cardio with weights when I felt like I might just vomit - and then I realised the instructor still hadnt taken off her jumper.... Well you can imagine. I am now also very familar with what it must feel like to be yelled at by a Swedish Staff Sargent!! Lets just say it has taken me 3 days to be able to walk up the stairs without wincing in pain...
so now I'm starting to wonder if I am up for another class tonight??
I survived it once, do I dare to try it again???????
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Joy can be found in the simplest of things.....
For me, yesterday, absolute joy was found in being outside wearing a denim skirt, singlet and bare feet. That's right I said OUTSIDE! Something I haven't been able to do in Sweden since, hell, I dont know if I have ever been able to do it! (I have, but it was simply to long ago to remember!)
I can not describe the joy it brought to me. To feel the fresh air and sunshine on my bare skin... Listening to the birds chirping, the hares scampering through the garden (we have hares that live in our garden, but they have been very quiet through the winter months) all the while over dosing on the sweet smell of spring wildflowers. Life felt perfect. I could not have asked for anything else (ok, well, maybe to have had someone there to share it with!)
I actually felt as though I had been picked up and inserted in a tourism commercial for Sweden. It was the most perfect moment of indulgence. A day like that confirms my belief that Sweden is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen.
I also fell asleep for around 40mins lying in the park.
With no sunscreen.
And I dont have sunburn.
Not even a little!
(And yes Mum and Nat, I am aware I should have had sunscreen on regardless.)
After being rugged up for months and months on end, it is nice to not have to fear the harshness the sun, as people must in Australia. It was certainly nice to go to sleep last night and to not be in pain from my sunburn, nor fearing the possibility of a malignant melanoma from having a day in the sun!!!!
Whilst I am busy singing the praises of Sweden (it's about time!) for those that are interested, 39,805 malignant melanomas were registered with the Swedish Cancer Registry between 1961 and 1995. Compared with Australia's 380,000 EVERY YEAR! Even if you take into account Sweden's population of only 9M, the difference is phenomenal! (I would however be interested to learn what the incidence of skin cancer in expat Swedes is, especially of those living in Australia).
I complain bitterly about the weather in Sweden, however, when I look at it from that point of view, I should just shut it!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Lord help me!
Do you know what?
I am old.
It's settled.
Because I just discovered that I along with the rest of Sweden will be taking Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday off - and of course the weekend.
What am I planning to do?
I'm thinking a few drinks Wednesday, not to many though, cause it might be nice to go for a hike in Skrylle (kinda forest) and maybe then have a BBQ on Thursday.
I dont care.
I'm happy x
Monday, April 28, 2008
Take your medicine as ordered, and we WILL hold it against you.
How many people question what a doctor prescribes to alleviate pain? I am a nurse, so I am more likely to question the prescription than most, however if I was in serious pain and a doctor offered me a way out, I would most certainly take it!
You would as well, Right?
Wrong choice, if your 56 yr old Tim Garon. He was prescribed "medical marijuana" to relieve the pain he has been experiencing whilst awaiting a liver transplant. Prescribed by doctors, who are employed by the same hospital whose ethics committee (University of Washington Medical Center) have denied him access to a liver transplant.... wait for it... because he has used marijana!
The ethics committee have decided that Tim is inelligable for a transplant as he has a history of drug use. The committees standards state that previous drug use indicates an addictive personality, therefore the risk of drugs use post liver transplant is too great!!!
Did I mention, that unlike alcohol, Marijana has NO affect on the liver! Can anyone tell me am if I am going to be refused a liver (if needed), as I have spent years binge drinking????? Unlikely. Why? Because I wouldn't reveal to the ethics committee that I'm a binge drinker....
Unfortunately there is no hiding those pesky medical records!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Is there an actual moment when you realise that things may have changed forever?
This week was an exciting week in the lives of many. Firstly, the line up for Splendour in the Grass was announced, and secondly Australians were celebrating an ANZAC day long weekend. So what I could safely assume if I were living in Australia is, a) I would have drunk far too much at least once this week. b) I would be frantically researching the new artists I am unaware of on the SITG line up and c) I would venomously be debating my opinions of possible outstanding acts for SITG 2008 with my friends - most likely doing so over a lazy sunday lunch/brunch with a beer or two!
So what does living in Sweden mean my weekend consisted of?
Friday night = monthly grocery shopping and watched a movie.
Saturday = Getting up bright and sparky so I can go off and get the fruit and vegetables from the farmers markets, cleaning out the car while Håkan changes the tyres from winter to summer tyres, and looking for new jeans/clothes for Isle of Wight (which didn't get purchased damn it).
Sunday = (by choice) re-potting all my herbs, washing clothes and catching up with family via skype. Oh and this afternoon will probably include pilates or a bike ride and doing my Swedish homework.
WOW! There's quite a difference there! Now I know partly this is due to our location (and lack of friends with similar interests), but I cant help but wonder if part of this is just me getting old? I mean no one made me re-pot those herbs. That was something I did willingly. Also no-one has stopped me from having a drink (although I could blame the exhorbitant prices of alcohol in Sweden). So have I reached a point where my life has changed forever, that I am now officially old and boring, or can I continue to blame my location for my demise, as I tend to do for everything??
I guess I will answer this after the Isle of Wight festival in June? I am a little scared of what the answer might be. Will I come home glad to have had such a wonderful time, but thinking I need a good rest? or will I be counting down the sleeps until the next festival????
(You can at least rest assured that I am the worst gardener in the world. This is not something I ever wish to pursue. I am quite sure that my herbs will be dead before the week is out.... )
Friday, April 25, 2008
Happy ANZAC Day
Happy ANZAC Day to everyone. I hope your all enjoying the festivities, the ANZAC biscuits, the two up and rum and milk.
I smiled like a little girl eating my ANZAC bsicuits this morning.
Stop ESP yelling... I can hear your thoughts loud and clear...
Ok I can hear what your saying.
I ask for your help, i begged for your help and I have delivered... NOTHING!!!
So as life always goes, as soon as I mentioned my fear of impending insanity through boredom, life got a whole lot busier.
There was of course a few complications with regards to my "photography" skills and the little project set for me by Nat and Fo. I was attempting to take a series of photographs with my polaroid inside the house (as it was always too dark outside by the time I got around to my photo of the day), which of course didnt work at all!! So as far as they go - well I will post ???something soon.
Benji - I promise I am honing my investigative reporting skills as we speak!
Sorry for my begging and well, not delivering... but dont give up on me just yet...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
From little things, big things grow....
One of the strangest things about living in a foreign country is that you often miss what you consider to be "groundbreakingly" important, and positive events which maybe going on in your home country. Subjects you would rant about with your friends over a beer, disagree on what it will mean, and if it was a waste of money or the best thing since sliced bread! (the same could be said about new bands - I dont have the j's people, tips are always accepted!) It doesnt necessarily make that emails or converstations, and you may well miss it while scanning the internet for news.
This morning I discovered I had missed a big project (for lack of better adjectives with my yet to be caffinated brain) that has recently occured in Australia. I had no idea that there was a remaking of this wonderful Paul Kelly song to include Kevin Rudds recent appology to the stolen generation, as well as Paul Keatings Redfern Speach, which was delivered in 1992 at the launch of The International Year of the World's Indigenous People.
Needless to say it brought a little tear to my eye, and a massive amount of pride to see that people in Australia (admittedly not all) are committed to improving the current situation. Also so so so glad to see that the clip was filmed in the Melbourne and not at bloody Bondi or Botany Bay!
enjoy if you havent seen it yet x
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Lost in translation or Aprilskämt Månad!
While the rest of the world celebrates "April Fools Day" on the 1st April, in Sweden we (or they - which by default includes me, due to my location) (NOT because I am identifying as a Swede) (but that just seems really complicated so for future reference that's what I mean by we!) pay homage to this day throughout the entire month. The rational being that the weather (I know here I go again) makes a fool out of everyone for the whole month. Just when everyone is convinced that Spring has arrived, the next day will be snow, sleet, rain or all of the above! Which in turns all those spring believers turn into "April fools!" (you know I'm one of them!)
However, I am not sure that April is just making a fool of spring believers in Sweden this year! I don't think I can remember a time where so many of my nearest and dearest seemed to be a little lost in their own translations (Ok I admit it, I just wanted to use the title). Lost in their own emotions is perhaps a better description.
Is it the change of season that sends everyone thoughts, emotions and behaviours haywire? Perhaps everything becomes a little more intense as people feel a chillness setting in the autumn air, or, depending where you are, the intensity of the impending spring?
I am not sure which it is, but I certainly include myself on this list. I seem to be riding a roller coaster at the moment. So, I invite all who are feeling the same, to join myself (and Maddie who came up with the title) in writing April off as a month of "Stupid things that cool people do"
Friday, April 11, 2008
I have just read my University Application in full, and...
Yes, I have until April 15th to finalise my application, but, NOOOO, I do not have until the 15th to submit my previous academic transcripts. The deadline was apparently February 15th.
Which means, I have spent hours, and hours trying to find the perfect program.
I found it. See here or here. And now I cant do it.
(I swear to god if you mention anything about being organised O'Brien.... I'll... I dont know what I'll do... but I'll do something!!!)
Honestly I cant believe this. It feels like a really bad joke.
(I applied in December, changed my preferences in March. Applications close April 15th. DAMN DAMN!!! )
So now this means, I cant start until next year, which means I don't finish when Nat comes over next Summer. It means I will have finished one semester, and I will have one semester to go....
Please. Pretty?
With sugar on top???
No? (God damn it I would know how to fix it if I was in Australia).
Fine, I'm going lay on the couch and sulk, eat lots of chocolate and not exercise all weekend!
(Man, when did I get so old I turn to chocolate before beer or wine???)
Trevlig Helg!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Just a shameless plug for my sister.
Her new website is now live. Go check it. It's fabulous, and yes I am biased, but I'm also honest!!!
Now if you would all go and order thousands of dollars worth of prints, so that she can come visit me that would be fabulous!!!!
enjoy x
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Hope + Cas = Delusion.
Hope. It's what gets us up in the mornings, even when it feels like things couldn't possibly get any worse (yet invariably do!).
It's also what gets most Swede's through their entire lives.
"I hope it doesn't rain today".
"I hope I get to see the sun tomorrow".
"I hope will be a little nicer weather next week".
"I hope the summer will be much better next year".
Which means right now it's now a big part of how I live my life.
Currently, my misspent energy is focused on "hoping" that the glorious spring time is here and that the evils of the "wicked winter of the west" are gone! This led me to toddle off merrily to work yesterday wearing only my jeans, boots, one pair of thin wool socks, no thermals and only one cotton singlet and a thin jumper. (Jacket for outside obviously).
Sound ok? OMG! It wasn't, it wasn't even close!
You see my hope convinces me that if yesterday was lovely spring weather, (and I can see the tulips and daffodils flowering) that today has to be spring weather also. I had convinced myself it was Spring. (stop laughing). (now). (seriously). (I was almost in tears I was so cold while walking home).
Cas + Hope = Delusion.
Most people who know me will attest to this theory. You see, I can be a bit of a dreamer. I don't know if this stems from being a very lucky child? I won most competitions I entered (non scholastic) which perhaps means that I didn't learn the valued lesson and bitter disappointment that follows those types of losses? (My parents even benefited from $12000 worth of furniture in 1988 thanks to my luck!) (In hindsight I have no idea how winning stuff would enable my delusion???? What on earth was I thinking when I wrote that??)
Or could it just be the result of sheer stupidity? And that the stupidity is actually what causes me to believe that tomorrow will always be a better day??
I dont know what you think? I'd say the words delusion and stupid are both springing to mind??
But, do you know what, I don't care!
I quite like my delusional state. I'm keeping it.
Without it I would hide from the world even more than i do now :D
(and i know this is kinda about the weather which I said i wouldn't talk about any more, but it's not about the weather, it's about hope!!!!)
Monday, April 7, 2008
Would google lie??
Do you think... Is it possible, really?? I mean I know they stalk, but lie.
Noooo, that would be too much?
I say yes.
It's the only explanation.
Googleanalytics.com say I have had no visitors to my site for 4days, even though people have left me comments.
Oh wait. Do my friends have super trooper ESP internet posting powers?
Maybe? Yes! that has to be it!
Google would never lie.
Go back to work people.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
So it goes a little something like this....
Big thanks to Lib, Ben, Fo and Nat who seem to be the only people who care for my sanity :D
Over the next 3weeks, my projects include:
A photo/word of the day for 2 weeks.
A combination of Fo and Nat's suggestions. I only have 7 polaroids left, so the photos will be both digital and polariod. Day one was friday (4th), so I will post the first week next friday/saturday....
A trip to the Ale Stones. Apparently I have ALMOST been to them... The story goes that we didnt go the extra 500m because I couldnt be bothered.
(Sidebar people: when there is room for communication error, the non local ALWAYS gets blamed for not wanting to do things, its so easy to say, "Well we told you but you didnt really feel like it". Didnt really feel like what???? I had no any idea they even existed!!!!!)
A trip to Dalby, Sverige, with photos and exploration and everything... and I will compare it to Dalby, Qld, 'Stralia!
An indepth review of why Swede's are obsessed with Salmiak aka Ammonium Chloride - Just for Benji!
So there you go... keep thinking of ideas for me... i'm enjoying it. Will start with the Dalby trip tomorrow if there is even a glimmer of sunshine.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Can everyone reading this head over to
and read/comment on mads blog??? She is blogging for VFestival and is in the running for a trip to all the V Festivals next year....
SO DO IT FOR ME!!! (cause then she will take me to the UK ones.....)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Challenge mania.... Insane in the membrania!
Yeah I read that title, get over it, I got bigger fish!
Last week I was asked to be an interviewee for a friend who is writing about the social phenomenon that is blogging. Many of the questions were in regards to, why do I blog?
..... Well obviously because i'm hilarious and everyone wants to read what i have to say!
No??? Ok well how about... I dont really know why. (Not the answer I gave by the way!) I think my original thought process was because I am crap at keeping a travel diary, so I decided to keep a public one? Makes sense huh? I also wanted somewhere to keep copies of my lonely planet blogs, so it seemed natural I start my own blog.
But.... and there is always a but.. now i'm thinking I should put a little more effort to it. I want to use this blog to talk about the new and amazing things I should be out there experiencing. not to complain about the cold. I mean, come on, I live in Sweden, what did I think the temperature would be like????
Unfortunately, 12months of living in Sweden has left me pretty uninspired to be honest. But, do you know what? I am my own worst enemy. I often hide from my life in Sweden, mostly because I am embarrassed that I am not fluent in Swedish, or even close to it. Especially now as we are the point where people are starting to ask why I don't speak Swedish. Thats when I get all, howabouts we stay at home, and then no one will ask me, and i'll offend no one! Can we huh???? huh huh???
I'm pretty ashamed that I this is who I have become. I really and truely need hand holding in this country. Somehow I have gone from being a hand holder (of anyone who would come along for the ride) to needing some constant gentle persuasion READ: someone to bloody push me - but, obviously in a way I will respond to well i.e. don't TELL me to do it you moron, suggest it in a round about way and let me think I thought of the idea!!!
Ahhhh man. Look i've gone and done it again. What i really wanted to say was. I think it is time I used this blog more effectively. I look at all the photographic groups Fo belongs to and I really wish I had something like that. They are constantly being set challenges which not only get their creative juices flowing, but it pushes them to keep their craft evolving, experience new things, and to look at everyday aspects with a new perspective! So that's what I want to do.....
So, I want EVERYONES help!!!!
And, I know who you are, googleanalytics.com tells me.
I want you all to think about one, (or two or five if you like) things, ideas, perspectives, whatever, that I can write about.
It is best if it is Sweden relevant (wikipedia is the name of the game for you) and off i will go adventuring and exploring new things.
Honestly I dont care if it is a spring flower that you want to know about, OR you could set me a WHOLE challenge!!! Like I want you to go out for the day pretending.... and then tell us about it!!
Please please please help me stop myself from going insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So just do it, leave a comment at the end of this please please please! I dont think anything is too crazy??? Although I am a little worried about what O'Brien might suggest?????
(and just to clarify, I was NOT earlier comparing my blogging with Fo's talent!!)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Snow snow go away.... come again at Christmas!
See it didnt take me long did it.
I will admit it. I am sick of the snow and the cold.
My defense = it's almost April and it has been cold in Sweden since the very begining of October. So count it out with me people.
That's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 MONTHS!!
So while I still heart snow, I hate the damp, I hate living in an apartment that feels damp all the time, and I hate having a boyfriend who is getting more depressed by the day as he hasnt seen any decent sunshine, and hasnt felt the warmth of the sun since September.
Ok, whining out of the way.
Easter was fun!!
I am struggling to recover. Lib came over.
We had Champagne, and champagne and well some more champagne.
I can still only talk in small sentences.
Ok i'll stop it now.
I love Lib's visits, we usually cook lots and lots of very good food, we discuss lots of food, mention how Jesse William should be here to entertain us after we have eaten and drunk far too much to be sociable. The weather is usually disgustingly bad, even by Sweden's standards. And this visit was no different! We did it all by the book!
I love when Lib first arrives and we both chatter at 100miles and hour and the Swede just nods and laughs in appropriate gaps. While his English is amazingly good, he struggles for the first hour or so until we pause for breath!! Hard to believe I know??
I have lots of things I need to blog about at the moment, so watch out to see if I can keep to my word and be a good blogger :D
Trevlig helg! (happy weekend!)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
And a white easter we shall have....
After that wonderful snow melting in just a few hours on tuesday, I feared we were in for a very grey dull weekend weather wise. To my suprise, as I have no idea when it started snowing, but everything is wonderfully white again today. The sun is up and it is still -2degrees so I imagine that the snow should stick around today!!
Oh and the best part... It is predicted to snow for the next two days.
I can feel a snowman comming on!!!!
I wish everyone a very happy easter, travel safely, and enjoy the break!
Glad Påsk!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
See, I really do live in Sweden.
And here's the proof.
After everyones hopes for a white winter were long gone and we started anticipating a nice long summer (yeah right!) winter decided to arrive in Spring, much the same way summer arrived in Autumn in Australia (ok, not in Qld!).
Snow is beaútiful!
Just in case you didnt believe me look at the difference a few hours can make...
This is the view from our balcony. The first photo was taken at 2pm on monday when the snow started, the second was taken when I woke up on tuesday morning. I'm sure you will agree with me what a difference a few inches of snow can make. Everything looks beautiful and makes me feel happy. When there is snow, I see the world differently. A tree or a little house covered in snow, whatever, they all make me smile. Oh and especially the children playing with their little toboggans and making snowballs. I could honestly get through the 7 months of Winter with no complaints if at least 3 months of it was white!! (not the 7!) If say December to March was white, I'd be a happy happy person. Oh well maybe we should move to Stockholm?????
This is just outside our apartment.. I intend on taking this same picture at various times of the year so you can really appreciate the change of season we experience in Sweden.
Monday, March 17, 2008
I'm dreaming of a white... Easter??
Well, maybe?? Perhaps that's an overstretch. Maybe not dreaming, but hoping.
The snow is dumping down outside, and seeing as Lib and I have had little girls fantasies about going to Pildemsparken in Malmö in the snow so it can feel like we are in Narnia (I swear to god it's a Narnia Park!) and it just so happens that Lib is comming on Thursday for Glad Påsk...
So please, let it snow let it snow let it snow......
Or at least let it stick, let it stick let it stick (I think that it will be melted by tomorrow.... but consider my thumbs held!)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
See I'm kinda a great girlfriend!
Ok so I might have spent more of this year away from my boyfriend than anywhere near him, but I definately feel confident that I am a great girlfriend at the moment. What am I judging myself against? To be honest I am not setting the bar that high, but I think you will all agree that I beat the chinese bride who was married for a grand total of 31days when she set the marital bed alight because her groom drunkedly (and obviously stupidly) got into bed with out cleaning his feet!! That's right kids... he didnt clean his feet - didnt even brush the dirt off them before getting into bed. When the husband woke to find himself alight, he started arguing with his bride (nope didnt think to put the fire out - either of them) she escaped into the living room and he was burnt to death in the bedroom!
So now tell me who thinks I'm a cow when I expect my boyfriend to take the rubbish out and do the dishes the two nights a week he is home (and when i'm home - so really that's been 4 times this year!)
Ok well now while i'm feeling very secure in my role of "great girlfriend" i'll leave you with some photos of the french alps... It was fantastic... we had a view of the highest mountain in europe (Mt Blonc) out the living room window. Approx 4inches of snow fell while I was there, it was perfect. Except of course for me taking my boss' 5year old daughter out when I came off my first ski lift!! Yep, kinda set a precident of me just falling on my face for the rest of the day. (one fall even saw the smashing of Håkans favourite vintage sunglasses whilst still on my face - even whilst wearing a helmet).
I later found a slope that had my name written all over it, I had a few runs (all my very unfit legs could handle) and I felt almost like I could call my self a snowboarder (Vs. I fall whilst riding a snowboard alot!). I almost stayed for another week, and to be honest I wish I had (see once again great girlfriend - I came home!) although I probably would have gotten a little too cocky and ended up breaking my arm again! So all things considered it was probably a good thing.
Today it was the swede's (aka silver's) turn to go away. I embarressingly dont know where he's gone other than to somewhere north of where we live in Sweden, and well all I know is that it has something to do with lighting - And I guess that he can lay safely in bed knowing that he fear not of me lighting him on fire tonight.... and not simply because I dont know where he is! (ok so not such a great girlfriend!)
anywhoo... the photos... unfortunately not to the standard of Fo's!